
2pac changes
2pac changes

2pac changes

On the African-American community with a somewhat pessimistic outlook. So overall we can conclude that this is a social commentary centered For instance, he disses those who sell illegal substances to kids, stating that they made their money “in a sleazy way”.

2pac changes

Or put differently, the fact that he grew up in poverty compelled him to do such things in order to make money. However, at the same time he is not trying to rationalize all of the criminal activities his peers are known to engage in. Indeed the rapper portrays himself as someone who has done illegal things in the past. However, in his own defense he states that he “ never did a crime (he) ain’t have to do”. And on a couple of occasions he alludes to the fact that African-American communities are flooded with drugs from external sources, which exacerbates criminal activity therein.Īnd that brings us to the second major theme of this track, which is crime.

2pac changes

prisons) as being “ packed and… filled with Blacks”. So whereas there is a myriad of topics discussed throughout the song, the two main issues it focuses on are racism and crime. As for racism, Tupac depicts African-Americans as the targets of an unjust law-enforcement system. Or as he puts it, “ cops give a damn about a ”, meaning that they don’t care about Black people and more specifically are quick to kill them and in the process become “a hero”. Moreover he refers to ‘penitentiaries’ (i.e.

2pac changes